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March 03, 2021 4 min read

A Jar-full of Love!

 Backdoorshoes® Blog By Jaycee Sarah Koh

 I have always loved gifting and usually pick a few bits to make up a bundle. So with Mother’s Day fast approaching and you have ordered your Backdoorshoes® lightweight, waterproof, garden clogs for your mum, there is still room for additional gifts that will add extra love into your day of celebration.

Here are some great DIY ideas to present your jar-full of love! Perfect recycling ideas of old jars collected from your jams, preserves or candles and to turn them into meaningful DIY gifts! In fact any kind of jar can be a creative piece of work with the most minimal accessories to see it through completion. Items that we may find around our house, can upcycle to be used as accessories to this creation, it will be a delightful surprise that makes the recipient happy.

Love Note Jar

Really love this simple yet so meaningful gift .  We can write down all the things that we thank our mothers for, their time, their sacrifices, their encouragement, being supportive, loving, giving us space for personal growth, cooking, ironing and tidying for us plus loads of other great things that mothers do for their children. Certainly lots of appreciative notes! We can write in cut out papers, have them folded and into the jar, pop on the lid and tie with a ribbon for that classy touch!

Memory Jar

This is my next favourite, a memory jar! Especially great if you are the sort who keeps little mementos like pressed flower from a bouquet your mum gave you for your birthday, a pebble from the beach holiday you went with your parents, a movie ticket, theatre stub of your first visit with your mum, small folded notes of good memories, happy occasions or even a lock of your own hair! A walk down memory lane sort of gift that you can both enjoy going through together.

The S’more Jar

Especially great if you know your mum has a sweet tooth!  There is no better way to make her happy than a s’more jar full of a variety of her favourite bites or chews! You can even wrap some up in bits of colourful tin foils to have the jar look cheerful. Whether it is chocolates, sweets, biscuits, fudge or marshmallows, this will be a fun jar filled with love!

Baked Goods

Ok, if you bake and you know your mum loves the cookies you make or she just loves any sorts of biscuits, then this is the easiest jar-full of love to make! Maybe even try a new recipe and surprise her with it, with a note saying that she is being gifted the supply of this cookie for life with endless replenishment!

Pamper Jar

Ooohhh, this is definitely one of my favourite, who doesn’t like a bit of pampering? Again you would have to know what your mum likes and purchase the necessary items to put into jar and label it as such. You could do a themed one each time, for example, one for a manicure and pedicure, one for skin care with face masks, lotion, etc.., one for bath time pampering with bath salts, eye cover or body scrub, a jar full of hair accessories or dyes, the list is simply endless! She’ll relish the time that she’ll have to put aside to enjoy these treats!

Craft Jar

If your mum is the crafty sort, why not give her a craft jar? It can be something that she is currently interested in doing or something totally new like sewing materials with instruction and accessories,  crochet craft project, knitting, cross stitching, origami, kirigami, macrame, just to name a few but there are lots of ideas of fun craft to fill her time!

Seeds Jar

Right! Spring is round the corner and a jar of different kinds of seeds for planting could be an ideal gift along with the Backdoorshoes® garden clogs that you got for her. If she’s already a grower then you can find out beforehand what she hasn’t got in her garden or if she is a first time planter, she may find the joy of gardening yet! Nothing is more satisfying than to see your plants grow and she will always remember you for them too.

A Pick Me Up Jar

Finally if you know that it has been hard for your mum for various reasons due to current situation, health issues, family events or just a rough time going through the path of life then this pick me up jar would be a nice thoughtful gift. You can fill it with notes of well wishes, vitamins or supplements, sweet treats, pampering hand lotion or her favourite nail varnish colour – basically her favourite things to brighten up her day!

Hopefully lots of mothers will receive an abundance of love, care and thoughtful gifts from their children this year. Especially when it has been quite challenging for some and any extra gifts put together lovingly will be a kind bonus.


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